Martyna Dziubek

Martyna Dziubek ( comes from Gdańsk and currently lives and creates in Warsaw.

Artistic and creative inclinations have accompanied her since childhood, and they found their outlet from a growing need to find positive stimulation and as a form of self-therapy. Initially, it was all about the process itself, its continuity, rhythm and hypnotic repetition. Over time, it transformed into a passion and an original, maximalist style full of details and colours - often humorous, witty with a slight note of sarcasm, a kind of commentary on reality.

Her works focus on undefined figures with patterns, textures, forms and symmetries that surround them, which altogether create a harmonious whole. They are a vibrant, multi-coloured microcosms of absurdity, just like our everyday life.
Martyna puts her artistic vision on paper using gouaches, acrylics and microliners, with a pinch of sparkling accents. It results in highly explorable works that are open to wide variety of interpretations with every new detail discovered. Each line contains a story that invites viewers to travel into a world of creativity, inspiration and endless stories.